Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Memorial Day "Thank You" Cards

Hey friends! Memorial Day is getting near and you might have friends and acquaintances who have sacrificed a great deal for our nation. These courageous warriors have fought with a fearless heart and and a never say die attitude. Now is the time to thank them for their selfless sacrifices. If you have near or dear ones who have sacrificed for the pride and privilege of America, send these wonderful e-cards and make them feel special. Your heartfelt thanks and warm wishes will bring them comfort and joy that they truly deserve.

A Big Thank You... Say 'Thank You' to everyone you know with this cute ecard.
A Big Thank You...
Say 'Thank You' to everyone you know with this cute ecard.
[ Animated ]

Your Patriotism Is Appreciated... Thank someone dear for upholding the nation's pride with this beautiful ecard.
Your Patriotism Is Appreciated...
Thank someone dear for upholding the nation's pride with this beautiful ecard.
[ Postcard ]

Your Bravery And Dedication... Say a warm Thank You to a braveheart who's serving our nation with courage 'n valor.
Your Bravery And Dedication...
Say a warm Thank You to a braveheart who's serving our nation with courage 'n valor.
[ Flash ]

You Have Been Gifted With Courage & Bravery... Express your gratitude to your dear ones/ known ones on Memorial Day for the gift of freedom.
You Have Been Gifted With Courage & Bravery...
Express your gratitude to your dear ones/ known ones on Memorial Day for the gift of freedom.
[ Flash ]



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posted by Julia at Wednesday, May 23, 2007, | Bookmark This Post: