Friday, February 23, 2007
Thank You Poems for Teachers
I found some Great Thank You Poems for Teachers . Here is your chance to Say Thanks to your teacher by sending these wonderful poems and ecards to your Teachers, coz they deserve the best !!
Teachers Are the Sculptors of Young Lives
Teachers are the sculptors of young lives.
How fortunate our child was shaped by you!
A year in your class taught him how to study,
No longer lost in thoughts that he finds new,
Knowing now the paths each thought derives.
Your love and strong solicitude embody
Other virtues our child has tried on, too.
Under your good guidance hope survives.
Thank You Teacher
Thank you for being simply the best!
How you do it, we'll never know:
A passionate teacher, yet one of the guys;
Never the boss, yet controlling the flow;
Kind, free and caring; groovy and wise.
Your excellence spoils us for all of the rest.
On leaving your care, we must look back to grow.
Upon these bright memories, we lay our good-byes
Thanks for being there .. dear Teacher !!

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Teachers Flow like Mountain Streams
Teachers flow like mountain streams
High up through ice and snow,
And bring their learning down to earth
Not far from what we know.
Knowledge you have pure and cold,
Yet one thing, naturally,
Of all you know I value most:
Understanding me.
Thank You for Being Where All These Years Went
Thank you for being where all these years went.
Happiness comes from the people we are.
All we believe in and value is here,
Nearby our hearts with the door still ajar.
Knowledge is wealth that can never be spent.
Years from now, searching somewhere for a star,
Our skies full of diamonds, each in each blent,
Unknowing, in you we will find what is clear.
Thank You for Opening a Door for Me
Thank you for opening a door for me,
Having the desire to share your joy.
A teacher gives much more than thought and skill,
Nor is her heart the least she might employ,
Knowing well the rules of ecstasy.
You are yourself the lesson we deploy,
Owning all the passion of your will,
Unraveling in ourselves your mystery.
Inspiration...Vision... Strength...
A warm way to let your teacher know how much he/ she means to you.
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Bookmark This Post:Teachers Are the Sculptors of Young Lives
Teachers are the sculptors of young lives.
How fortunate our child was shaped by you!
A year in your class taught him how to study,
No longer lost in thoughts that he finds new,
Knowing now the paths each thought derives.
Your love and strong solicitude embody
Other virtues our child has tried on, too.
Under your good guidance hope survives.
Thank You Teacher
Thank you for being simply the best!
How you do it, we'll never know:
A passionate teacher, yet one of the guys;
Never the boss, yet controlling the flow;
Kind, free and caring; groovy and wise.
Your excellence spoils us for all of the rest.
On leaving your care, we must look back to grow.
Upon these bright memories, we lay our good-byes
Thanks for being there .. dear Teacher !!

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Teachers Flow like Mountain Streams
Teachers flow like mountain streams
High up through ice and snow,
And bring their learning down to earth
Not far from what we know.
Knowledge you have pure and cold,
Yet one thing, naturally,
Of all you know I value most:
Understanding me.
Thank You for Being Where All These Years Went
Thank you for being where all these years went.
Happiness comes from the people we are.
All we believe in and value is here,
Nearby our hearts with the door still ajar.
Knowledge is wealth that can never be spent.
Years from now, searching somewhere for a star,
Our skies full of diamonds, each in each blent,
Unknowing, in you we will find what is clear.
Thank You for Opening a Door for Me
Thank you for opening a door for me,
Having the desire to share your joy.
A teacher gives much more than thought and skill,
Nor is her heart the least she might employ,
Knowing well the rules of ecstasy.
You are yourself the lesson we deploy,
Owning all the passion of your will,
Unraveling in ourselves your mystery.
Inspiration...Vision... Strength...
A warm way to let your teacher know how much he/ she means to you.
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